Thursday, November 13, 2008


I went to a funeral today for a wonderful man that I used to work with. He was only 35 and had been fighting cancer for a year. He has a sweetheart of a wife and 7 beautiful children that are going to miss him terribly. We will all miss him and his cheery disposition.

As my heart aches for this family in their loss, I cannot help but be thankful. I am thankful for salvation, and God's grace and love. I am thankful for my wonderful husband and sweet baby girls. I am thankful for a family that loves me for who I am. I am thankful for health and life for myself and those I love.

So today, and with the Thanksgiving season here, think about what you are thankful for. The simple things, the things we might at first glance not notice or take for granted. If you want, leave a comment and tell us what you are thankful for.

I am thankful for all of you!

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